Title Services
Margaret Dormon is the owner of LG Title Services, LLC, one of the first Authorized Title Service Provider in the Birmingham area.
Margaret is originally from Anniston and graduated from Jacksonville State University.
Margaret started in the Automotive Industry in 2007, working in automotive dealerships and later started helping dealers with their title needs.
Margaret says: I think that is what has made me so successful in title work. The more challenging the title problem, the more I enjoy it. To me, it’s like a mystery that needs to be solved. I would love to help you with your title work. I can either come to you to pick up or you can drop off in the Helena/Pelham area. Please call for pricing (205-587-6274). Thank you!
Margaret can also help you get your Alabama Dealers License.
Margaret has a strong attention to detail, and she is a rule follower, AIADA believes she will bring a lot to your company... Randy Jones